The My AWC home page displays when you log into the AWC Applicant Portal application. You use this page to access the various AWC application functions, view system announcements, and view/access your current applications. To access the My AWC page from within the AWC application, click the My AWC link on the menu bar.

At the top of the FAA header, Help, User Guide, and References links are displayed in the right corner along with a Signout link. The Help link opens page-specific help for the current page. The User Guide link opens the Airworthiness Certification Applicant User Guide, which is the secondary resource for Airworthiness Certification Applicant Portal application user procedures and reference information. The References link opens a page allowing you to access FAA reference data relevant to Airworthiness Certification. The Signout link logs you out of the application and takes you to the System Use Notice. At the bottom of the FAA header, your name displays right justified along with a Person icon (); clicking the icon displays a pop-up screen with a list of the roles assigned to you.

The title bar showing the application name, "Airworthiness Certification (AWC) - Applicant Portal," displays at the top of the page below the standard FAA page header. The Airworthiness Certification application navigation top-level menu bar displays just below the title bar and contains the links that provide access to the Airworthiness Certification commands, or functions: My AWC, Search, Reports and My Profile.

The page contains 3 sections: Applications, Announcements, and My Applications.

The Applications section of the page is divided into two subsections: Create Application and My Applications.

Create Applications

The Create Applications section contains the following links, which allow you to create different application types. Clicking on the application link takes you to the appropriate page to create an application.

New Application Special Flight Authorization - New
Replacement Certificate SFA-Update Blanket Authorization
Amended Certificate Multiple Certificates

Exchange Certificate

Special Flight Permit

My Applications

The My Applications section contains the following links that allow you to access the applications that you have created by certificate type or status. Clicking on the application link opens a folder at the bottom of the page listing all applications of the selected type that you have created. After each link is the number of current applications for the application category that you have created.

New Applications Special Flight Authorizations
Replacements SFA-Update Authorizations
Amended Certificates Multiple Certificates

Exchange Certificate

Special Flight Permits



The Announcements section displays in read-only format any system-wide announcements that have been issued. Click the + sign to open this folder.

My Applications [folder name varies]

The folder at the bottom of the page contains a data grid listing the applications that fall under the My Applications categories at the top of the page. In most circumstances the folder will take the name of the link. Thus if you selected Special Flight Permits under the My Applications bucket, then the folder will bear the name Special Flight Permits and list any SFP applications that you have created.

When you access the My AWC page either by logging into the application or from another page, the folder will bear the name My Applications and contain a list of all your open applications.

Application Data Grid

The data grid contains a listing of all those applications falling into the category clicked under My Applications bucket above. By default, the data grid has the following columns. The data is filtered by the Application Number though the filter can be change – click the Application Number filter to change between Ascending and Descending.

For information about how to export the data grid, see Exporting Data; for additional information on how to sort the data in the grid, rearrange the columns, or add or delete columns, see Working with Data Grids.