SFP Certification

You use the SFP Certification page to enter and certify the name of the registered owner or the owner's agent. You access this page in any of the following fashions. However, you should certify the application only after completing all the other required SFP pages.

Special Note: The data on this page displays as read only when the application status is canceled, closed or withdrawn.

At the top of the FAA header, Help, User Guide, and References links are displayed in the right corner along with a Signout link. The Help link opens page-specific help for the current page. The User Guide link opens the Airworthiness Certification Applicant User Guide, which is the secondary resource for Airworthiness Certification Applicant Portal application user procedures and reference information. The References link opens a page allowing you to access FAA reference data relevant to Airworthiness Certification. The Signout link logs you out of the application and takes you to the System Use Notice. At the bottom of the FAA header, your name displays right justified along with a Person icon (); clicking the icon displays a pop-up screen with a list of the roles assigned to you.

The title bar showing the application name, "Airworthiness Certification (AWC) - Applicant Portal," displays at the top of the page below the standard FAA page header. The Airworthiness Certification application navigation top-level menu bar displays just below the title bar and contains the links that provide access to the Airworthiness Certification commands, or functions: My AWC, Search, Reports and My Profile.

Below the top-level menu bar is a block showing the following application information.

Application Type N-Number Owner
Make & Model Status Application #
Certification Type Application Date Created By
Created Date Last Updated By Last Updated

Below the application data tabs display with links to the various pages in the application process. The tabs are color coded indicating whether the pages under that tab are complete (green), in progress (yellow) or not yet started (red). Those pages with required fields are marked with icons indicating completed (), in progress (), or not yet started ().

The SFP Certification page name appears below the title bar.

Submit Applicant Certification

To certify the name of the registered owner or the owner's agent, follow the steps below. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*) on the page. Note that to complete the certification, a copy of the signed 8130-6 must be uploaded using the upload functionality under the Documents link.

  1. Manually enter or use the calendar widget to specify the application date in the Application Date text box.
  2. Enter the first name of the registered owner or the owner's agent in the First Name text box.
  3. Enter the middle name of the registered owner or the owner's agent in the Middle Name text box.
  4. Enter the last name of the registered owner or the owner's agent in the Last Name text box.
  5. Enter the title of the person certifying the SFP application in the Title text box (e.g, owner or agent).
  6. Click Save to save your data entries or Save & Next to save your entries and proceed to the Review page.
  1. The following certification statement displays for a non-production flight test. Click I Agree to complete the certification.