Inspection Agency Verification

The Inspection Agency Verification page should only be completed if 14.CFR 21.183(d) applies to the aircraft being registered. The page allows you to enter information who inspected the aircraft, what the certification number is, and when the certification was issued. This page is only displayed for new applications for Standard Certificate and Multiple Certificates when a Standard Certificate is coupled with a Special Restricted. You access this page, after completing the Aircraft Registration page, in any of the following fashions:

Special Note: The data on this page displays as read only when the application status is canceled, closed or withdrawn.

At the top of the FAA header, Help, User Guide, and References links are displayed in the right corner along with a Signout link. The Help link opens page-specific help for the current page. The User Guide link opens the Airworthiness Certification Applicant User Guide, which is the secondary resource for Airworthiness Certification Applicant Portal application user procedures and reference information. The References link opens a page allowing you to access FAA reference data relevant to Airworthiness Certification. The Signout link logs you out of the application and takes you to the System Use Notice. At the bottom of the FAA header, your name displays right justified along with a Person icon (); clicking the icon displays a pop-up screen with a list of the roles assigned to you.

The title bar showing the application name, "Airworthiness Certification (AWC) - Applicant Portal," displays at the top of the page below the standard FAA page header. The Airworthiness Certification application navigation top-level menu bar displays just below the title bar and contains the links that provide access to the Airworthiness Certification commands, or functions: My AWC, Search, Reports and My Profile.

Below the top-level menu bar is a block showing the following application information.

Application Type N-Number Owner
Make & Model Status Application #
Certification Type Application Date Created By
Created Date Last Updated By Last Updated

Below the application data tabs display with links to the various pages in the application process. The tabs are color coded indicating whether the pages under that tab are complete (green), in progress (yellow) or not yet started (red). Those pages with required fields are marked with icons indicating completed (), in progress (), or not yet started ()

The Inspection Agency Verification section name appears below the application information block.

Enter the Inspection Agency Verification Information

To enter the inspection data on this page follow the steps below. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

  1. 1. Answer if the statement, The aircraft described above has been inspected and found airworthy by (Complete this section only if 14 CFR 21.183(d) applies, is applicable, Yes or No. 
  1. Indicate who inspected and found the aircraft airworthy by selecting from the Inspected and Found Airworthy By drop-down list. The list contains the following choices:
  1. If you selected Certificate Holder, Certificated Mechanic, or Certificated Repair Station, then enter the certification number in the Certification Number text box.
  2. If you selected Aircraft Manufacturer, then enter the firm name in the Name of Firm text box by entering the first three letters of the firm name and selecting from the list. You can also manually enter the firm name.
  3. Manually enter or use the calendar icon to indicate the date of certification in the Certification Date field.
  4. Enter the title of the individual who performed the inspection in the Title text box.
  5. Enter the full name of the individual who performed the inspection in the Full Name text box.
  6. Click Save to save your changes and remain on this page; click Save & Next to proceed to the Owners Certification page; see Owners Certification. . Click Next to proceed to the next page without saving. Click Reset before clicking save to clear all entries.