SFA Registration
You use the SFA Registration page to provide registration information about the foreign, non-military aircraft for which you are requesting an SFA. Multiple registrations can be performed sequentially on this page. You access this page, after completing the SFA Questionnaire page, in any of the following ways:
- From the SFA Questionnaire page, click Save & Next after completing the questionnaire (note that to continue with the application you must answer "No" to both questions). The SFA Registration page displays.
- From the My AWC landing page, select the Special Flight Authorizations link under My Applications. The Special Flight Authorizations list at the bottom of the screen displays your current SFA applications. Select the appropriate application by clicking on the Application Number hyperlink. The SFA Registration page displays.
At the top of the FAA header, Help, User Guide, References and Signout links are displayed in the right corner of the FAA page header. The Help link opens page-specific help for the current page. The User Guide link opens the Airworthiness Certification Applicant User Guide, which is the secondary resource for Airworthiness Certification Applicant Portal application user procedures and reference information. The References link opens a page allowing you to access FAA reference data relevant to Airworthiness Certification. The Signout link logs you out of the application and takes you to the System Use Notice. At the bottom of the FAA header, your name displays right justified along with a Person icon (
); clicking the icon displays a pop-up screen with a list of the roles assigned to you.
The title bar showing the application name, "Airworthiness Certification (AWC) - Applicant Portal," displays at the top of the page below the standard FAA page header. The Airworthiness Certification application navigation top-level menu displays just below the title bar and contains the links that provide access to the Airworthiness Certification commands, or functions: My AWC, Search, Reports and My Profile.
An application data block displays the following information below the top-level menu. The Application Type field displays "Special Flight Authorization - New" and the Status/State displays "Open."
Application Type |
N-Number |
Owner |
Make & Model |
Status/State |
Application # |
Certification Type |
Application Date |
Created By |
Created Date |
Last Updated By |
Last Updated |
Below the application data block, a tabbed, third-tier menu appears with links to the various pages in the application process. The tabs are color coded indicating whether the pages under that tab are complete (green), in progress (yellow) or not yet started (red). Pages with required fields are marked with icons indicating completed (
), in progress (
), or not yet started
). If all the required data is complete, a green check mark (
) appears next to Aircraft Registration in the third-tier menu indicating that this section is complete.
The SFA Registration page name appears below the third-tier menu.
Complete new SFA Registration
Follow the steps below to complete the SFA Registration page:
- Select the appropriate nationality for the aircraft from the Aircraft Nationality and Mark drop-down list. The list includes countries and their associated mark. Once you select the Nationality, additional fields are displayed.
- If Canada is selected, an additional question displays, "Is this aircraft owner maintained?"
- If the answer is Yes, a dialog box displays indicating the aircraft is not eligible for an SFA. Click Close the SFA Registration displays with the drop-down list entry cleared.
- If the answer is No, an additional question displays, "Is this aircraft Amateur or advanced ultralight aeroplane?" If the answer is Yes, a message displays to contact the Department of State. Clicking Close clears the Nationality and Mark entry box. If the answer is No, the Registration entry boxes are displayed.
- Enter the registration mark of the aircraft in the Nationality Mark and Registration Number text box. The text box is preceded by the Nationality Mark selected above.
- Enter the aircraft make in the Aircraft Make text box.
- Enter the aircraft model in the Aircraft Model text box.
- Enter the year that the aircraft was manufactured in the Year of Manufacture text box.
- Enter the aircraft serial number in the Aircraft Serial Number text box.
- Click the Add Registration button once you have completed entering the data on this screen. The SFA Registration data grid displays showing the registration information about the aircraft that you have registered; see SFA Registration Data Grid below.
- Repeat steps 1-8 above to register additional aircraft.
SFA Registration Data Grid
The SFA Registration data grid displays once you click the Add Registration button for the first time, provided you have completed the data entry for all the required fields. This table shows all the aircraft that you have registered for an SFA. Although columns can be manually arranged and added or deleted, by default, the data grid displays the following columns:
- The first column, Registration Mark, displays the aircraft nationality mark and the aircraft registration number.
- The second column, Make, displays the aircraft make.
- The third column, Model, displays the aircraft model.
- The fourth column, Year Manufactured, displays the year in which the aircraft was manufactured.
- The fifth column, Serial Number, displays the serial number of the aircraft.
- The sixth column, Action, displays a delete icon (
) allowing you to remove the record. Simply click the delete icon in the appropriate row, then click Yes on the Confirm Delete dialog box that displays.
For information on how to export the data grid, see Exporting Data. For information on how to sort the data in the grid, rearrange the columns, or add or delete columns, see Working with Data Grids.
Attach Document with List of Applicable Aircraft
If you want to attach a document listing the aircraft for which you are applying for an SFA, follow the steps below:
- Select the Check if applicable aircraft are listed in attached document check box.
- Click Add Document. The Project Documents dialog displays.
- The Document Type is listed automatically as "SFA aircrafts listed." Click Select Files to browse to the file containing the SFA aircraft list on your local or network drive.
- Double click on the file name or click Open to add the file to the dialog.
- Click Add File. The file displays in a data grid on the page in the Applicable Aircrafts Listed Document section.
Applicable Aircraft Listed Document Data Grid
The Applicable Aircrafts Listed Document data grid displays if you select the Check if applicable aircraft are listed in attached document check box and then add a document using the Add Document button. This data grid displays the document added. Although columns can be manually arranged and added or deleted, by default, the grid displays the following columns:
- The first column, Document Type, displays the document type of the attached document, i.e. SFA aircrafts listed.
- The second column, Attachment, displays a document icon allowing you to download the document.
- The third column, Action, displays a delete icon (
) allowing you to remove the record. Simply click the delete icon, then click OK on the confirmation message that displays to remove the document. A message displays stating that the document has been removed. Click Cancel to cancel the action.
For information on how to export the data grid, see Exporting Data. For information on how to sort the data in the grid, rearrange the columns, or add or delete columns, see Working with Data Grids.
When finished on this page, click Save to save your entries and remain on the page, or click Save & Next to save your entries and move to the next page, Owner's Information; see Owner's Information. A confirmation message displays. Click Reset before saving to clear your entries.