You use the SFA Update Blanket Authorization page to create or update a Blanket Special Flight Authorization (SFA). A Blanket SFA is issued when an aircraft manufacturer's operation will be conducted many times during a given period or for a number of aircraft engaged in the same operation. If you have such a blanket authorization, you can update it using this page.
Important: You must submit your Blanket SFA application to the FAA for processing by an Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI). FAA individual designees and Organization Designation Authorizations (ODAs) are not authorized to process Blanket SFA applications.
This page can be accessed by clicking the SFA - Update Blanket Authorization link on the My AWC page under Create Application.
Search for an Existing SFA
The first step in creating or updating an SFA Blanket Authorization is to search for the existing SFA that you want to update. You use the SFA Update Blanket Authorization Search page for this purpose. Note: The SFA must have an authorization number to be displayed.
To perform the search, follow the steps below:
1. Enter the authorization number in the Authorization Number text box.
2. Enter the name of the owner in the Owner Name text box.
3. Enter the name of the applicant in the Applicant Name text box.
4. Click Search. The AWC system matches the criteria against existing SFAs and displays the results in a data grid. If a record is found matching the criteria entered, a data grid displays. If no records are found, a message indicating no records were found displays at the bottom of the page.
Blanket SFA Data Grid
If the search finds records corresponding to the parameters entered, the results displays in a data grid. The data grid has the following columns:
For instructions on how to export the data grid, see Exporting Data; for information on how to sort the data in the grid, rearrange the columns, or add or delete columns, see Working with Data Grids.
Create a Blanket SFA
To create a Blanket SFA, follow the steps below:
- Aircraft Info
- Owner/Applicant Information
- Aircraft Operations
External Documents
- Review/Status